
Mac ipsec vpn client lion
Mac ipsec vpn client lion

There is no options button or "Send all traffic over VPN connection" anywhere to be found. I see a dialogue with two tabs, "DNS" and "Proxies".

mac ipsec vpn client lion

However, when I select the VPN from the network interface list and click the "Advanced." button, there is no "Options" tab or button. This apple support page says there is a setting called "Send all traffic over VPN connection" which can be enabled through the Apple menu > System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Options dialogue.

mac ipsec vpn client lion

As far as I can tell, my regular web browsing is not being directed through the VPN. I would like to access other websites on the internet through this VPN (youtube, wikipedia, whatever).

mac ipsec vpn client lion

The VPN functions as expected, allowing me to access protected servers at my company. I'm attempting to change the settings of a Cisco IPSec VPN connection which was set up through OSX's built in VPN client in system preferences.

Mac ipsec vpn client lion